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EDO Report Market Data Website users,

The EDO Report Markets Data Website was developed with the intention to grant free access to our execution clients. It has been available to all for the past 15 months during the beta testing period. As we transition into a new accessibility model it is EDO Report intention through customer feedback or current market needs to improve the site by adding new features that reflect those issues.

All people currently signed up will be extended for 14 additional days during which time you can chose to become an execution client of Optima Options and continue to use the site for free or forgo our execution services and use the site for a per month fee. We hope the use of the site has provided you with a glimpse of the quality EDO Report has brought to this endeavor and we ensure you that our execution services are of equally high standards.

You can contact EDO Report anytime at edo@edoreport.com or by phone Monday through Friday between 7:00 am and 2:00 pm CST at 1-312-377-4017.
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